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Thursday 6 October 2011

The Staff

-- zakary99 -- he is the epic creator of this awesome blog.

He has been on ROBLOX for 625 days so knows it quite well. He is creator, editor and publisher of this website. My personal opinion on him is that he is probably one of the best friends i've had he's really nice to know and is happy to help. He also calls me Googy alot :3

-- GoogleplexGordon123 -- first addition of staff to Roblox Alpha

I've been around roblox for about a year now and have created about 50 games yes 50... well more like 45 but you get the idea. Just post any problems to me in my HELP THREAD found in Roblox Alpha. I like to be reffered to as Goog.

-- Goog --

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