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Friday 30 September 2011

Roblox Alpha Is Hiring!

So, as we know Roblox Alpha is low on members. We get alot of pageviews but not many followers, so we are hiring people to write articles, e.g a place Reviewer, Hat Reviewer and more.

You send in your application and I will review it, and you could work here at Roblox Alpha, you could call it Work Experience, but this will be until you leave or quit.

We want an Article about something on Roblox, things about you, and your skills. Your article will be about what you want to be on Roblox Alpha. If we think your entry is good enough, we will hire you.

Send your entrys in to - CompleteRobloxAlpha@hotmail.co.uk

I hope to see all of those wonderful entrys.

You can tweet me @Zakary99 if any problems, and join the blog so if you win you can be admined if you win. :D

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